INSTALL ############################# First you need to install rsbac-admin as rpm -Uhv rsbac-admin-1.2.N-bfM.fcX.NN.i386.rpm ############################# Then you need to install clamd and clamfresh for example from fedora-extras you need the following packages: clamav-data clamav-lib clamav-server clamav-update Then edit /etc/freshclam.conf /etc/sysconfig/freshclam you can find examples in /usr/share/doc/kernel_rsbac_ws/ etc.freshclam.conf => /etc/freshclam.conf etc.sysconfig.freshclam => /etc/sysconfig/freshclam In particular in /etc/freshclam.conf the follwing should be set #Example UpdateLogFile /var/log/freshclam.log PidFile /var/run/ OnUpdateExecute /usr/local/bin/rsbac_daz_flush_wrapper If you need yous should set also HTTPProxyServer and HTTPProxyPort In /etc/sysconfig/freshclam you should comment out the "FRESHCLAM_DELAY=disabled-warn " line ############################### Finally install kernel-*-rsbac_ws* and rsbac_ws-scripts* as follows rpm -ihv --oldpackage kernel-2.6.x-rsbac_ws_v1.2.N_bfM_pax_soft_FC4.i686.rpm rpm -Uhv rsbac_ws-scripts-N-fcX.NN.noarch.rpm rsbac_ws-scripts installs also scripts to start clamd (this is based on the existence of /usr/share/clamav/clamd-wrapper !!!) ############################### Reboot! hopefully everything works. As root do cat /proc/rsbac-info/stats | grep DAZ to see how DAZ/clamd are doing ############################### PaX: the only problem is PaX since various executables cannot run with default PaX protection. Typically they violate the 'mprotect' protection. (Notice that some programs die without any message, I guess the problem is that it is not the program itself which violates PaX but a library used by the program. In this case, try to change PaX flags.) If this happens add the full path to these executables to the file /etc/sysconfig/rsbac_pax.local with a line like /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg PemRxS (explanation of the meaning of 'PemRxS' are in the file) then give the command service AA_rsbac_pax start You also have to give this command every time you update any program listed in this file (so it is suggested to run this command every time you update or install some programs). PLEASE Report programs which need non-default PaX flags!!! Thanks Andrea Pasquinucci