WARNING --- WARNING --- WARNING --- WARNING --- WARNING --- WARNING kernel- added patch 1.2.4-6 and 1.2.4-7 should fix the "file not found" problem, re-inserted symlink redirection ================================= kernel- rsbac-scripts-1.2.4-fc3.13.noarch.rpm removed symlink redirection for "file not found" problem upgrade to ================================= kernel- rsbac-scripts-1.2.4-fc3.11.noarch.rpm removed AUTH GROUP since it does not seem to work kernel seems to be reasonably stable there is a known but unresolved "file not found" problem =================================== THIS KERNEL SEEMS BUGGED, PLEASE TEST TO HELP TO FIND BUGS BUT DO NOT USE FOR ANYTHING ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kernel- kernel-sourcecode- rsbac-scripts-1.2.4-fc3.08.noarch.rpm bugfix release, added DAC owner/group bugfix ATTENTION: DAC GROUP now works, you'll have to add the corresponding configuration for AUTH module using for example auth_set_cap -g auth_set_cap -E auth_set_cap -F ==================================== THIS NEXT KERNEL IS BUGGED TOO BUT CAN BE USED kernel- rsbac-admin-1.2.4-bf05.fc3.02.i386.rpm kernel- kernel-sourcecode- bugfix release, no kernel parameters are added by the install script, minor modifications in the kernel settings ==================================== kernel-2.6.11-rsbac_v1.2.4_bf02_paxb_kn03_soft.i686.rpm rsbac-admin-1.2.4-bf02.fc3.01.i386.rpm you need to install fist rsbac-admin and after the kernel, change the kernel parameter to 'rsbac_softmode' (from rsbac_freeze) _before_ rebooting then reboot in the new kernel with the new tools If you are using the 'rsbac-scripts', upgrade those too and first thing after reboot run as secoff the script upgrade-1.2.3-1.2.4.sh As usual the kernel is little tested, your mileage can vary ==================================== kernel-2.6.10-rsbac_v1.2.3_bf11_pax_as2b_soft.i686.rpm the security bugs are fixed, but there could be problems due to the patches which have been little tested. ==================================== kernel-2.6.7-rsbac_v1.2.3_bf7_pax_soft.fc3.i686.rpm THIS KERNEL has known security BUGS THERE HAVE BEEN "Oops" DUE TO udev which at the moment are not resolved yet. If you can play with Fedora Core 3, please try it out and help fix the problem (actually after a few initial Oops eveything seems to work fine but ...) ==================================== WARNING --- WARNING --- WARNING --- WARNING --- WARNING --- WARNING